VanMar Developments has a first-class reputation and is trusted by our investors, lenders, designers and homeowners because we create exceptional projects in prime locations.
Since 2012, we’ve established a home in the Waterloo Region while developing vibrant communities across Southern Ontario, British Columbia, and the United States. Our extensive background in construction and commitment to quality enable us to maximize value through innovative design.
When we say we’re going to build, we’re going to build.
- Art Van Maren, President of VanMar Developments

Our purchasers can feel confident choosing a VanMar Development project because we take our reputation seriously. With over fifty years of experience in the industry, we are committed to delivering quality buildings that enhance the communities we build. Our track record speaks for itself, demonstrating our integrity and reliability. Every project we undertake meets the highest standards, providing our clients with the assurance that they are making a sound investment in their future.
We’re not interested in developing the most, we strive to build the best.
Our Values
Years of constructions and development business
Housing units created since 2012
Of projects launched have been brought to market
From carefully selecting development sites to creating timeless and appealing buildings, our real estate projects remain relevant and desirable for years to come.
We’re not interested in building as much as possible — we strive to be the best, and build the best.
We are dedicated to fulfilling our promises. With a 100% success rate in bringing our buildings to market, we ensure our customers receive the value they expect and deserve.
Our team values professionalism and honesty in all of our interactions with vendors, investors, and homeowners. Trust is the backbone of how we do business.